  Public Ticket #3757134
Trigger email after product has been sent for review


  •  52
    Anthony O Connell started the conversation

    Hi guys.

    At present, when a new vendor creates a product, it is sent for review to admin. This is great but is it possible, when a vendor hits the 'Send for Review' in their product dashboard, that this triggers an email where we send them a quick note of what is needed for a product to get published to the store?

    We did a similar php snippet previously for when vendors send me a message via the dashboard and something like this again would be great.  

    This would help ensure all vendors follow instructions that I have set out.


  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Anthony,

    I believe you can achieve that using the following code snippet:


    add_action('marketking_new_product_requires_approval', function($product_id){
    	$vendor_id = get_current_user_id();
    	if (marketking()->is_vendor_team_member()){
    		$vendor_id = marketking()->get_team_member_parent();
    	// send email
    	$email = marketking()->get_vendor_email($vendor_id);
    	$message = 'Your message here';
    	do_action('marketking_new_message', $email, $message, $vendor_id, '');
    }, 10, 1);


    This should trigger the email when a product that requires approval is created.

    If that doesn't work for you, it would help if you can please share the other snippet you mentioned that already works. I cannot seem to find it.


    Kind regards,


  •  52
    Anthony O Connell replied

    Hi Stefan.

    That snippet works great.

    Thanks very much 🙌

  •   Anthony O Connell replied privately
  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •  52
    Anthony O Connell replied


    Works like a charm 🙌