  Public Ticket #3758096
Request for CSV/Excel Export and Error Resolution in MarketKing Pro Payouts Page


  •  3
    YUJI OKUBO started the conversation

    Dear MarketKing Support Team,

    I have purchased the Pro version of MarketKing.

    Could you please make it possible to export the list on the following page to CSV or Excel?


    On a separate note, the following message appears every time I open the above page:


    DataTables warning: table id=marketking_admin_payouts_table - Incorrect column count. For more information about this error, please see https://datatables.net/tn/18

    It seems that this page is using DataTables.

    I have two requests regarding this:

    1. Could you enable the standard CSV and Excel export functionality in DataTables? Additionally, I would like to enable sorting and arrange the data by amount and date. If it’s difficult to add this as a standard feature, is it possible to achieve this using a snippet or similar workaround?
    2. Is there a way to resolve the above error? The DataTables core and pro versions are 1.9.80, and the theme is Astra Pro.

    Thank you very much for your assistance.

    Attached files:  スクリーンショット 2024-11-06 140910.png

  •   WebWizards replied privately
  •  3
    YUJI OKUBO replied

    Sorry for the delayed response.

    We have upgraded to MarketKing Pro v.2.0.00.

    Unfortunately, the error message did not disappear.

    As a result, we were unable to confirm the functionality of the CSV button, etc.

    However, we did confirm that the CSV feature of DataTables is enabled.

    We assume that resolving the error message will allow it to function properly.

    This issue can be closed.

    Thank you very much.

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Unfortunately I am not sure what the issue can be regarding that error. Possibly some setting conflict or something similar, but it is difficult to say without checking, and I cannot currently reproduce the issue in local tests.

    If possible to share a temp access to a staging or development site, we'd be happy to check and troubleshoot directly, so let us know.