  Public Ticket #3768451


  • Samuel Rasmussen started the conversation

    Hey, i have your plugin installed and its working great. But i have WPML installed aswell, and when i export / import prices for a customer, the products are 4x for each because of the 4 languages. I cannot find the field in WPML to make it "Copy" to maintain the value across all languages, perhaps because its a dynamic field?

    *for the customer price fields on the products

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Samuel,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin,


    To make sure I understand this correctly, here are you referring to these price fields when editing each product?


    Or are you referring to unique prices for each customer (by username)? If so, do you configure that under B2BKing -> Dynamic Rules? (with "Fixed price" rules / discount rules?)


    Please let me know. For the first, indeed there is a product meta field that can be copied. For dynamic rules there is not.


    Regarding importing / exporting prices for a customer, how are you achieving that? And currently is the main issue that you need to configure multiple dynamic rules, one for each language? it would help if you can clarify the main challenge.


    Sorry for many questions, I just want to clearly understand the setup first,

    Kind regards,


  • Samuel Rasmussen replied

    Hi Stefan,

    Yes its the price fields when editing each produkt.

    Please see screenshot, i want the price to be the same on all languages in WPML. Like its already working with Regular price, you see it has a lock icon when you are editing a product in another language than the original.

    I need the same for the B2B price fields.

    My issue has nothing to do with dynamic rules og prices based on specific user.

    Regarding export / import i acheive this my going to B2BKING > TOOLS > DOWNLOAD. This file i download here, will have 4x of all products, because i get all languages. This is not so optimal when i need to update prices, i need to be able to target only the original language and then these prices should be global on all languages.

    I hope my explanation makes sense and i do hope there is a solution for this.

    Thank you.

    Attached files:  Skærmbillede 2024-11-22 kl. 11.24.53.png

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Samuel,

    Thank you for the clarifications,


    It is indeed possible to set those price field keys to "Copy" so that the prices are copied from the originals to the translations. 

    I suggest to also see our article here that has more info and screenshots with this: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/translate-b2bking-with-wpml/#3-toc-title


    Essentially, you should set to 'Copy', all fields with this form:







    As far as I know, that mechanism of copying the price from the original to the translations is normally activated when a product is saved.

    Therefore, after you do the import (during the import you can set only the price for the original language), you would need to save the original product, so its prices can get copied to translations. One way to do it could be via the Products page -> selecting all products via bulk actions -> Edit -> Apply. It's possible WPML also has some button or option to auto-trigger that Copy on all products but I am not sure.


    Kind regards,



  • Samuel Rasmussen replied

    Hi Stefan,

    Before this ticket i already read the documentation on this including the link you just sent.

    I already set all fields and groups to "copy" before making this ticket, please check screenshot.

    I have waiting a long time for help now, i hope you can prioritize this with a fast response so we can get it solved.

    To sum up, all b2b related fields are already set to copy. How to proceed?

    Attached files:  Skærmbillede 2024-11-27 kl. 08.45.13.png

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Normally, this should work as in my video here: https://www.loom.com/share/9d09d6f4f9cd471cbea5549ff59f48f9?sid=d084cfb9-7e48-4b47-8158-c4421c46bcb9

    When the original product is saved with a new price, that price would be copied to the translations as well.


    In your tests are you not seeing the same? (saving the original does not copy the price to the translation?)

    After the import process, a save can be triggered for multiple products in bulk, using Bulk Edit -> Apply -> Update ( https://prnt.sc/GGClMKEErVDm ). 


    If you believe this is not working as expected, we would be glad to check it directly on your site if you would like. For that, is it possible to share a backend access to the site, or a staging clone site? We can then troubleshoot and work on resolving that directly,


    Kind regards,


  • Samuel Rasmussen replied

    Hello again,

    It does work as in your video, but i was expecting the lock icon, like on other fields that are not editable in other languages. Usually when you set "Copy" in WPML settings it will get the lock icon and greyed out field to illustrate the value is set in its original language. But this does not happen on this plugin for some reason - but i see it does work, like you illustrate. But if would be nice in a future update you add the lock, so its clear that the value is set in its original language.

    Because you also have the "Copy once" option, where it copies the first time you save, for example like in your video. And then the field should indeed still be editable, because it only copies the value from when you save the first time. But the way the logic is now does not make sense, it should have a lock icon and the field should be greyed out when you choose "Copy" in WPML.

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Thank you for the feedback, I see what you mean.

    That lock is normally added by the WPML plugin but yes, it would make sense for us to add it as well from our plugin for our fields. I've made a note of this and we are looking at it for future updates.