  Public Ticket #3801217
Alt Hesap Onay Maili


  • Hararet started the conversation


    Alt hesaplar onaya gönder dediğimiz de ara da bir hesap daha olsa 3 kullanıcı alt hesap,  orta hesap,  ana hesap alt hesap orta hesaba onay gönderse orta hesap ana hesaba onay göndermesini istiyorum bunu nasıl yapabilirim.

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hi there,

    Thank you for getting in touch with us,


    If I understand correctly, I believe you are referring to the Company Order Approval feature ( https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/company-order-approval/ ) and the situation when an account places an order that needs approval.

    I am afraid it is not possible for this to work with 3 accounts. It can only work with 2 levels (subaccount, and parent account). 

    To achieve the kind of setup where 2 different levels have to approve the same order, this would only be possible with some customizations. We are happy to assist with technical info on how approval works and how this may be implemented, but we do not handle customizations directly,



    Let me know if I can help with anything, or if you have any questions,

    Kind regards,
