Hello I have added some standard taxes for the european countries in my woocommerce settings.
Also I have added an dynamic rule for tax exemption with VIES validations. (screenshot attached)
I would like to have a rule for B2B users only to have a 19% vat if they do not have already a vat. For example, Switzerland does not have a standard vat assigneed. Lets say I have a product of 10 euros. I would like:
for the normal users that not have a vat to see the price of the product 10euros and also in the order details that I see just 10 euros as well
for the B2B users that they see the price minus the standard vat (19%) so they should see 10-19% = 8.1euros.
With this setup, you will basically have 2 tax rates area: the "standard rates" one (b2c) and a new b2b rates area.
When configuring this B2B rates area, you would set the rates for all countries in the same way as the standard rates, with only 1 difference. At the very end, include a row where you use * instead of country code, to apply to all other countries:
This will apply if no other country applies (if the country is outside those specified).
Could you check / share a screenshot of this area?
It should be 'B2B' with uppercase letters, because in the code snippet it is also named 'B2B'. These need to match exactly. If one is uppercase, the other is lowercase, it would not work:
I believe I have found the issue. I had to remove the highlighted lines of code here (the first and last lines of the snippet), it had something to do with the loading sequence:
After making that change it seems to work for me, and I am able to see how tax is changing for a Switzerland location if I change the B2B tax rate.
Hello I have added some standard taxes for the european countries in my woocommerce settings.
Also I have added an dynamic rule for tax exemption with VIES validations. (screenshot attached)
I would like to have a rule for B2B users only to have a 19% vat if they do not have already a vat.
For example, Switzerland does not have a standard vat assigneed. Lets say I have a product of 10 euros. I would like:
is that possible?
Hello Matina,
If I understand correctly, I believe you are looking to set that a 19% VAT, if a VAT rate is not set for the current country, but only for B2B users.
I believe it is possible, by following the setup here: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/set-up-different-tax-rates-for-b2b-and-b2c-in-woocommerce/
With this setup, you will basically have 2 tax rates area: the "standard rates" one (b2c) and a new b2b rates area.
When configuring this B2B rates area, you would set the rates for all countries in the same way as the standard rates, with only 1 difference. At the very end, include a row where you use * instead of country code, to apply to all other countries:
This will apply if no other country applies (if the country is outside those specified).
Kind regards,
Could you check / share a screenshot of this area?
It should be 'B2B' with uppercase letters, because in the code snippet it is also named 'B2B'. These need to match exactly. If one is uppercase, the other is lowercase, it would not work:
I believe I have found the issue. I had to remove the highlighted lines of code here (the first and last lines of the snippet), it had something to do with the loading sequence:
After making that change it seems to work for me, and I am able to see how tax is changing for a Switzerland location if I change the B2B tax rate.
hello any updates for this?