  Public Ticket #3807864
Maximum Stock Quantity per Product/Product Group, Depending on the Customer Group


  •  1
    Enes started the conversation


    My subscription recently expired, but I’m considering renewing it. I plan to connect my ERP software to WooCommerce, and I need to display the stock quantity for each product. That part is straightforward.

    However, I don’t want my customers to see my entire inventory. Instead, I’d like to set a maximum visible quantity. For example, if I have 50,000 units of a product in my ERP, I’d like WooCommerce to show “10,000+” instead of the actual number.

    I don’t believe this feature is currently available in any of your plugins. Would you consider adding it in a future update?

    Additionally, it would be helpful if this setting could vary by customer group. That way, certain groups could see the full stock quantity, while others would only see the limited amount.

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Enes,

    Glad to assist,


    B2BKing indeed does not have any features for this I'm afraid. Generally speaking, I think it may be possible to achieve what you described with a code snippet. I can try to check if we can help you with that code.


    I think an important question is:

    -> In your example, is 10,000 just the displayed number, or the actual stock limit set on the site? 

    What I mean is that you can set a certain display, but the customer can add the product to cart. In cart, they can set a quantity such as 99999999 and WooCommerce will reset the stock qty to the max available. This is a simple way the customer can find how many items there are in stock / purchasable.

    What are your thoughts on that limit?



    Kind regards,
