  Public Ticket #3811637
Adding Company Logo To My Account Page


  •  1
    Marvin started the conversation

    My client has a b2b customer that would like to have their company logo show up on their 'My Account' page when they login. Is this something that can be implemented via b2b king plugin? 

    I see the ability to allow the customer to upload company logo. But no ability to display this on their account page. 

    Secondary question. I have enabled the ability for the customer to edit the company logo after registration but I do not see the option to edit this on the customer 'My Account' page. 

    Thank you 

  •  2,330
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Marvin,

    Thank you for purchasing our plugin,


    B2BKing does not directly have that kind of feature to show / edit / select a logo on the my account page. It may be a bit outside the scope of the plugin, as generally we try to only handle features that are exclusively B2B.


    Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I would suggest to take a look at the Yith Account customize plugin, as I recall they have a Profile Pic area that can be edited / selected: https://yithemes.com/themes/plugins/yith-woocommerce-customize-myaccount-page/


    Kind regards,




  •  1
    Marvin replied

    Thank you for the extra help. This pointed me in the right direction. I ended up going with a free plugin called SysBasics Customize My Account for WooCommerce.

    Have a great day!