  Public Ticket #3820140
Agent Dashboard Earnings


  • Victor started the conversation

    Is it possible to not show certain columns under Earnings in the Agent Dashboard? I do not want the Agent to see what the customer purchased.  For example, if I do not want to show the column, "Purchased".  Thank you

  •  2,318
    WebWizards replied

    Hello Victor,

    This is possible by editing the dashboard .php template of the earnings page, as described here: https://woocommerce-b2b-plugin.com/docs/how-to-edit-salesking-dashboard-page-templates/

    SalesKing uses a templates system for the agent dashboard. This allows you to fully edit each page on the dashboard, by copying it to the child theme and editing it there. This way you can simply delete the code that corresponds to the 'purchased' column.

    This does require some PHP knowledge but it's quite basic: a tool such as chatgpt can provide the correct code for it given the template.


    Kind regards,
