
Public Tickets

Pascal ZIMMER Mettre le vendor-dashboard en françaisClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated July 3, 2023 at 12:40am   10 Most recent comment from WebWizards:If the issue is resolved, you can leave it as it is, and the ticket will be closed automatically in 7 days. Peter Jenkins Service ChargeClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated June 28, 2023 at 5:43pm   4 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Glad I could help : ) If there's anything else I can help with, please let me know. Also, if you have a minute, we would really appreciate it if you considered leaving a quick rating here on ou ... kailash Cart page changesClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated June 26, 2023 at 5:16pm   2 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi there,1) I believe you can remove that message by adding this PHP code snippet to your site: global $marketking_public; remove_action('woocommerce_before_cart', [$marketking_public,' ... Ryan Dwyer Ordering of ProductsClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated June 24, 2023 at 3:42pm   2 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi Ryan,In WooCommerce there exists a 'Menu order' number that can be made visible to vendors (our plugin normally removes it):If you want, I can assist to make it visible on your site.The c ... Ryan Dwyer File URLs in productsClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated June 22, 2023 at 12:54pm   4 Most recent comment from WebWizards:I tested on my local site, it seems only the last option (redirect only) will redirect to an external link. I think it's fine choosing that as well, The documentation of that option says:When us ... ABDULRAHMAN Elhamy Multi branches/ addresses for the b2b customers and marketking vendors alsoClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated June 15, 2023 at 8:29pm   2 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi there,I'm afraid we currently don't have any features for multiple branches / addresses.For B2B customers you can use something like this plugin https://wordpress.org/plugins/themehigh-m ... ABDULRAHMAN Elhamy Products tableClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated June 15, 2023 at 7:12pm   4 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi there,The code of the products page on the vendor dashboard can be found in marketking-core/public/dashboard/products.phpIf it helps, I also uploaded it here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GV3B ... Ryan Dwyer Automatic Store URL after .comClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated June 13, 2023 at 11:56am   2 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi, For each vendor, when you edit the vendor you can do this by enabling this checkbox: https://prnt.sc/epAVlQN2LJAFIt would give the vendor a store url such as yoursite.com/storeThere's no wa ... Francisc Furdui WooCommerce Bookings and Zoom integrationClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated June 13, 2023 at 11:42am   3 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi there,I have contacted the teams of the respective plugins to see if any of their plugins may work or may be integrated. We are looking into it and I will update you on this as soon as I can,Kind ... ABDULRAHMAN Elhamy Change the Default COD Orders to (Reversed) in special case.Closed   MarketKing Support   Updated June 12, 2023 at 8:09pm   2 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi there,I made a modification to MarketKing Core (attached) that adds a new hook to assist with this. Please first update to the attached version.We can then use this hook and code snippet to determ ... ABDULRAHMAN Elhamy Is the vendor able to open more than one siteClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated June 12, 2023 at 7:24pm   2 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi there,Unfortunately there's no built-in way for a vendor to have multiple stores. It would be quite difficult to achieve with the current setup.The only way would be for them to have multiple ... Andrew MarketKing Coupon FeatureClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated June 8, 2023 at 12:26pm   2 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi Andrew,Thank you for purchasing our plugin,It's not possible unfortunately for vendors to be able to create general coupons. The problem is that we must take care to make sure a vendor cannot ... John Template CustomizationClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated May 11, 2023 at 3:46pm   4 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi,I'm sorry, there may have been a JS error in that version - we're working on some new features and that is our dev version,Please try it with the attached plugin version - I think it shou ... John Accessing the vendor object / dataClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated May 8, 2023 at 8:05am   5 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi there,For the vendor logo, profile image, vendor description, you can use: marketking()->get_store_profile_image_link($vendor_id); marketking()->get_store_banner_image_link($vendor_id); marketking( ... ABDULRAHMAN Elhamy Commission role for each b2b customer groupClosed   MarketKing Support   Updated May 2, 2023 at 2:56am   4 Most recent comment from WebWizards:You could update the MarketKing Core plugin to the attached version, and then use this code snippet: add_filter('marketking_rules_apply_vendor', function($rules, $vendor_id, $order_id){ ...