
Public Tickets

Jonatas php error + logo does not appearClosed   SalesKing Support   Updated August 27, 2021 at 3:22pm   10 Most recent comment from Jonatas:I managed to delete from lazy load, thanks Mervin Comission for specific customersClosed   SalesKing Support   Updated August 23, 2021 at 10:22pm   4 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi Mervin,I came across a similar issue today and after investigating, I think indeed we found a related bug here where orders were not assigned correctly (only for orders done by the customer).I thin ... Barış Korkmaz Messages Different AccountClosed   SalesKing Support   Updated August 23, 2021 at 9:04pm   2 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi Barış,Thank you for purchasing our plugin, Currently Shop is the only available option. We want to add more options in future updates, which is why the design allows you to select the receiver. ... Zaim Haziq Agent BClosed   SalesKing Support   Updated August 2, 2021 at 8:48pm   2 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi Zaim,I think the solution for this is to use B2BKing.In B2BKing -> Groups you can create a group for sales agents (as buyers).Then, in the user profile:So the user is 1) Sales Agent, in the "Top ... Pua Kin Sin Customer using Coupon Code not showing up in "My Customers" PageClosed   SalesKing Support   Updated July 30, 2021 at 1:56pm   2 Most recent comment from WebWizards:Hi there,Is this for an order that was placed by a Logged Out user (guest), without creating an account? In that case, it would make sense for the customer not to show up in the My Customers page (bec ...